英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 13:31:54

knock into

英 [nɔk ˈɪntuː]

美 [nɑk ˈɪntu]

撞上; 打进; 偶然碰到(某人); 把…灌输给

  • 网络解释

1. 撞倒:37.do exercises做练习,锻炼; | 38.knock into撞倒; | 39.lose one's voice失音;

2. 撞上(某人):13. flying disk 飞碟 | 14. knock into 撞上(某人) | 15. fall down 倒下;摔倒

3. knock into的意思

3. 撞到:be buried in被埋葬在... | knock into撞到... | think it funny to...觉得滑稽...

He rushed into the room without troubling to knock.(他连门也懒得敲就闯进屋去。)
The BJP will not win in Uttar Pradesh, but it hopes to knock Congress into fourth place.(人民党不会再北方邦获胜,但他们希望能把国大党挤到第四位。)
They also used an analytic method that allowed them to calculate the total effect of maternal employment taking into account all knock-on effects.(他们也使用了一种分析方法,能够将连锁效应包括在内,计算出女性就业的整体影响。)
Once acquired, companies are held for shorter periods than in the past, leaving less time to knock them into shape.(即使一旦购买成功,被买公司被持有的时间相对过去而言则更短,这样更没有多少时间对其进行重组或者改造。)
It's easy to slip into poor eating habits - but these can have a knock-on effect on your mood.(很容易就养成不好的饮食习惯,但这些又对你的情绪有连锁的影响。)
I am so hurried as to knock into my teacher.(我如此匆忙以至于撞到老师身上。)
Fears over swine flu threatened to knock a vulnerable global economy into deeper turmoil, hammering travel and tourism as nervous consumers and businesses delayed spending plans.(流感造成的恐慌可能让脆弱的全球经济陷入更严重的动荡,随着紧张万分的消费者和企业推迟支出计划,旅行和旅游也会受到打击。)
While their first drafts may be pretty good, a good rewrite can turn a pretty good document into one that will knock your socks off.(尽管初稿或许很好,但是重写做得好的话就能也能写出好文件,这也能让人兴奋不已。)
What will it be if we knock the original transparent glass into powder when it's broken?(原本透明的玻璃若是破碎时,将他敲成细细的粉末后。)
My agent even got into a knock down drag out fight in the Union Square Café in New York City.(我的代理人甚至在纽约联合广场咖啡厅内卷入了一场争斗。)
knock into是什么意思 knock into在线翻译 knock into什么意思 knock into的意思 knock into的翻译 knock into的解释 knock into的发音 knock into的同义词